04 Mar 2010: Director Prof. Hideki Imai received 61st NHK Broadcast Cultural Award
[Posted 05/MAR/2010]
In March 4 2010, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) has announced that Prof. Imai Hideki, the Director of the Research Center for Information Security (RCIS) in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), (and also a Professor in Chuo University) is awarded the 61st NHK Broadcast Cultural Award.
His award is based on his long-term contribution to the broadcasting and communication industry, especially on both the fundamental research on the coding theory which has become a basis of today's digital broadcasting systems, and the research on the cryptography which enables secure transmission of digital contents such as "NHK on-demand" digital movie libraries.
The award-giving ceremony will be performed on March 19th, 2010 in the NHK Hall, Tokyo.