SecReT 2009
Special issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning on Security and
The call for papers
Workshop on Security and Rewriting Techniques
July 10-11, 2009. Port Jefferson, New York, USA
Collocated with the
22nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium
Scientific Program
July 10
2:00-3:30 Welcome and Invited Talk by Jose Meseguer:
Security and Rewriting: A perfect match ?
3:30-4:00 Break
4:00 - 5:30
Paper Session I : Protocol Analysis and Access Control
- Benoit Groz, Slawek Staworko, Anne-C¸«±cile Caron, Yves Roos and Sophie Tison.
Rewriting Queries for XML Access Control
- Joshua Guttman.
Fair Exchange in Strand Spaces
- Mathilde Arnaud, Stephanie Delaune and Veronique Cortier.
Modeling and Verifying Ad Hoc Routing Protocol
July 11
Paper Session II : Protocol Analysis Techniques
- Stefan Ciobaca, Stephanie Delaune and Steve Kremer.
Computing knowledge in security protocols under convergent equational theories
- Sreekanth Malladi and Pascal Lafourcade.
Prudent engineering practices to prevent type-flaw attacks under algebraic properties
- Steve Kremer, Antoine Mercier and Ralf Treinen.
Reducing Equational Theories for the Decision of Static Equivalence (Preliminary Version)
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Business Meeting -- Open to all
Aims and Scope
We need to increase our confidence in security related applications.
Formal verification is one of the most important methods of achieving
this goal,
and term rewriting has already played an important part.
In particular, since the beginning of formal verification of security
term rewriting has played a central role, both as a computation model
and as a deduction strategy. Because of this, we believe that it can
play an important
role in solving other security-related formal verification problems as
That is why it is important to bring together experts in
term rewriting, constraint solving, equational reasoning on the one side
and experts in security on the other side. This is precisely the aim of
this workshop.
A possible (non exhaustive) list of topics include
application of rewriting or constraint solving to
authentication, encryption, access control and authorization, protocol
verification, specification and analysis of policies, intrusion
integrity of information, control of information leakage, control of
distributed and mobile code, etc.
Invited Speakers
Jose Meseguer (Univ. Illinois, USA)
Program Committee
- David Basin (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Yannick Chevalier (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
- Hubert Comon-Lundh (AIST Tokyo, Japan, co-chair)
- Stephanie Delaune (LSV, Cachan, France)
- Daniel Dougherty (WPI, Worcester, USA)
- Santiago Escobar (Univ. Valencia, Spain)
- Joshua Guttman (MITRE, USA)
- Ralf Kuesters (Univ. Trier, Germany)
- Christopher Lynch (Clarkson Univ., USA)
- Catherine Meadows (NRL, USA, co-chair)
- Paliath Narendran (SUNY Albany, USA)
Previous editions of the SecReT workshop
The homepage of the Security and Rewriting Techniques workshop