ICITS 2009 For Authors
If your submission has been accepted, you should visit the LNCS Website, the "For Authors" section. Under "Information for LNCS Authors" you will find the necessary templates and macros to create your paper in the format required for the LNCS proceedings.
We need all your source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps or bib files, or Word or rtf files) and the final PDF of your paper. We do not require the printed manuscript. The paper may be reformatted, and the PDF you provided is for checking purposes only.
Springer will send you a PDF file of your paper for your final approval. The email will come from an email address in India and will have an attachment (the PDF file), so you should make sure that emails with attachments are not automatically filtered out.
You should download the copyright form from the LNCS Website - For Authors - Information for LNCS Authors. One author may sign on behalf of all the co-authors of the paper. The signed form should be scanned into a PDF file.
We need the following:
- All your source files
- A PDF file of your paper
- A signed copyright form, scanned into a PDF file
- One corresponding author's email address
Please follow the Springer's LNCS instructions carefully. It is not possible to modify a paper once it has been published.